新莊 頤品大飯店 (雲朗觀光 http://www.ldcgroup.com/?Psn=6085 ,君品、翰品的姊妹店)
提供三種桌巾挑選 君品紫、愛馬仕橘、頻果綠
紫色: 莊重的感覺
蘋果綠 : 活潑的感覺
2014年11月19日 星期三
2014年10月21日 星期二
建立datatableDim mytable As New DataTable
建立欄位Dim mycolumn As New DataColumn
設定 DataColumn物件的各個屬性以定義欄位的結構描述mycolumn.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Int32")
將資料值將指派給新資料列的各個欄位mytable.Rows(0)(0) = 1
mytable.Rows(1)(0) = 2
mytable.Rows(1)(0) = 2
copy from: http://kennyfan88.pixnet.net/blog/trackback/ff0d96e5a0/84881604
2014年9月23日 星期二
Private Sub getArgDict(ByRef oArgDict As Generic.Dictionary(Of String, Object))
oArgDict.Add("TAGNO", Request.QueryString("TagNo"))
oArgDict.Add("rptid", Request.QueryString("rptid"))
oArgDict.Add("txtDateStart", Request.QueryString("start"))
oArgDict.Add("txtDateEnd", Request.QueryString("end"))
oArgDict.Add("TagNo", Request.QueryString("TagNo"))
If IsNothing(Request.QueryString("UniqueContent")) = True Then
oArgDict.Add("UniqueContent", Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString("Content")))
oArgDict.Add("UniqueContent", Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString("UniqueContent")))
End If
oArgDict.Add("ddlLevel", Request.QueryString("ddlLevel"))
If Me.txtResp.Text <> "全部責任區" Then
oArgDict.Add("RespArea", Request.QueryString("RespArea"))
oArgDict.Add("RespArea", "")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
End Sub
oArgDict.Add("TAGNO", Request.QueryString("TagNo"))
oArgDict.Add("rptid", Request.QueryString("rptid"))
oArgDict.Add("txtDateStart", Request.QueryString("start"))
oArgDict.Add("txtDateEnd", Request.QueryString("end"))
oArgDict.Add("TagNo", Request.QueryString("TagNo"))
If IsNothing(Request.QueryString("UniqueContent")) = True Then
oArgDict.Add("UniqueContent", Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString("Content")))
oArgDict.Add("UniqueContent", Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString("UniqueContent")))
End If
oArgDict.Add("ddlLevel", Request.QueryString("ddlLevel"))
If Me.txtResp.Text <> "全部責任區" Then
oArgDict.Add("RespArea", Request.QueryString("RespArea"))
oArgDict.Add("RespArea", "")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
End Sub
Protected Sub gvCheckRec_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles gvCheckRec.RowDataBound
Dim js As String = ""
Dim js_Register As String = ""
Dim ProcessName As String = ""
Dim RespArea As String = ""
Dim dllclass As String = ""
Dim UniqueContent As String = ""
Dim button As New Button
Dim rank As Integer = 1
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.Pager Then
e.Row.Style.Add("text-align", "center")
e.Row.Style.Add("height", "40px")
e.Row.Style.Add("background-image", "")
End If
If (e.Row.RowIndex >= 0 And e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow) Then
js = "javascript:window.open('RptDcsAlm_AnaTool_Detail.aspx?"
js &= "&rptid=RptDcsAlm_BasMgt_SumQuery.aspx"
js &= "&start=" & Me.txtDate_OccStart.Text
js &= "&end=" & Me.txtDate_OccEnd.Text
If Me.ddlLevelType.SelectedIndex = 1 Then
js &= "&ddlLevel=Level1"
ElseIf Me.ddlLevelType.SelectedIndex = 2 Then
js &= "&ddlLevel=Level2"
ElseIf Me.ddlLevelType.SelectedIndex = 3 Then
js &= "&ddlLevel=Level3"
js &= "&ddlLevel="
End If
js &= "&class=" & dllclass
js &= "&TagNo=" & e.Row.Cells(1).Text
js &= "&process=" & ProcessName
js &= "&RespArea=" & RespArea
js &= "&UniqueContent=" & e.Row.Cells(3).Text
If e.Row.Cells(3).Text <> "" Then
Dim source As String = e.Row.Cells(3).Text
Dim str As String() = New String() {","}
Dim UniqueContentSplit As String() = source.Split(str, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim Uniq As String
Uniq = UniqueContentSplit(0)
'If Uniq = "上下限管制異常:H " Then
' js &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: H"
'ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:HH " Then
' js &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: HH"
'ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:L " Then
' js &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: L"
'ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:LL " Then
' js &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: LL"
' 'Else
' ' js &= "&UniqueContent=" & UniqueContentSplit(0)
'End If
End If
js &= "','_blank', 'status=yes,left=350,top=200,width=1100,height=500');"
CType(e.Row.Cells(5).Controls(0), ImageButton).OnClientClick = js
js_Register = "javascript:window.showModalDialog('MntDcsAlm_BasMgt_AlmSumRegister.aspx?"
'js_Register = "javascript:window.open('MntDcsAlm_BasMgt_AlmSumRegister.aspx?"
js_Register &= "&rptid=RptDcsAlm_BasMgt_SumQuery.aspx"
js_Register &= "&start=" & Me.txtDate_OccStart.Text
js_Register &= "&end=" & Me.txtDate_OccEnd.Text
js_Register &= "&class=" & dllclass
If e.Row.Cells(2).Text = "輕故障" Then
js_Register &= "&ddlLevel=Level3"
ElseIf e.Row.Cells(2).Text = "中故障" Then
js_Register &= "&ddlLevel=Level2"
ElseIf e.Row.Cells(2).Text = "重故障" Then
js_Register &= "&ddlLevel=Level1"
js_Register &= "&ddlLevel="
End If
js_Register &= "&TagNo=" & e.Row.Cells(1).Text
js_Register &= "&RespArea=" & Me.ddlRespArea.SelectedValue.ToString
js_Register &= "&RankNo=" & e.Row.Cells(0).Text
js_Register &= "&AlarmRank=" & Me.txt_AlarmRank.Text
'js_Register &= "&UniqueContent=" & e.Row.Cells(3).Text
'Dim a As String = e.Row.Cells(3).Text.Replace("%", "%25").Replace("﹦", "%3D").Replace("#", "%23").Replace("/", "%2F").Replace(":", "%3A").Replace(",", "%2C").Replace("-", "%2D").Replace(" ", "")
Dim a As String = e.Row.Cells(3).Text.Replace("﹦", "%3D").Replace(".", "%2E").Replace("#", "%23").Replace("%", "%25").Replace(":", "%3A").Replace(",", "%2C")
js_Register &= "&Content=" & Server.UrlEncode(a)
'上下限管制異常:H , C4530 #2DE-TOL 壓力控制 PV UPPER LIMIT 警示一 PV ﹦ 339 UNIT:Torr
js_Register &= "&AlmCnt=" & e.Row.Cells(4).Text
If e.Row.Cells(3).Text <> "" Then
Dim source As String = e.Row.Cells(3).Text
Dim str As String() = New String() {","}
Dim UniqueContentSplit As String() = source.Split(str, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim Uniq As String
Uniq = UniqueContentSplit(0)
If Uniq = "上下限管制異常:H " Then
js_Register &= "&UniqueContent=" & Server.UrlEncode("上下限管制異常: H")
ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:HH " Then
js_Register &= "&UniqueContent=" & Server.UrlEncode("上下限管制異常: HH")
ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:L " Then
js_Register &= "&UniqueContent=" & Server.UrlEncode("上下限管制異常: L")
ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:LL " Then
js_Register &= "&UniqueContent=" & Server.UrlEncode("上下限管制異常: LL")
' js_Register &= UniqueContentSplit(0)
End If
End If
js_Register &= "&process=" & ProcessName
js_Register &= "','','dialogWidth=850px,dialogHeight=300px');window.close();"
Dim YorN As Boolean
YorN = Comparison(e.Row.Cells(1).Text, e.Row.Cells(3).Text)
If YorN = True Then
CType(e.Row.Cells(6).Controls(0), ImageButton).Visible = False
CType(e.Row.Cells(7).Controls(0), ImageButton).Visible = True
CType(e.Row.Cells(6).Controls(0), ImageButton).OnClientClick = js_Register
CType(e.Row.Cells(7).Controls(0), ImageButton).Visible = False
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MyBase.showAlertMsg(Utility.handlePageException(ex, MyBase.tracker))
End Try
End Sub
Dim js As String = ""
Dim js_Register As String = ""
Dim ProcessName As String = ""
Dim RespArea As String = ""
Dim dllclass As String = ""
Dim UniqueContent As String = ""
Dim button As New Button
Dim rank As Integer = 1
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.Pager Then
e.Row.Style.Add("text-align", "center")
e.Row.Style.Add("height", "40px")
e.Row.Style.Add("background-image", "")
End If
If (e.Row.RowIndex >= 0 And e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow) Then
js = "javascript:window.open('RptDcsAlm_AnaTool_Detail.aspx?"
js &= "&rptid=RptDcsAlm_BasMgt_SumQuery.aspx"
js &= "&start=" & Me.txtDate_OccStart.Text
js &= "&end=" & Me.txtDate_OccEnd.Text
If Me.ddlLevelType.SelectedIndex = 1 Then
js &= "&ddlLevel=Level1"
ElseIf Me.ddlLevelType.SelectedIndex = 2 Then
js &= "&ddlLevel=Level2"
ElseIf Me.ddlLevelType.SelectedIndex = 3 Then
js &= "&ddlLevel=Level3"
js &= "&ddlLevel="
End If
js &= "&class=" & dllclass
js &= "&TagNo=" & e.Row.Cells(1).Text
js &= "&process=" & ProcessName
js &= "&RespArea=" & RespArea
js &= "&UniqueContent=" & e.Row.Cells(3).Text
If e.Row.Cells(3).Text <> "" Then
Dim source As String = e.Row.Cells(3).Text
Dim str As String() = New String() {","}
Dim UniqueContentSplit As String() = source.Split(str, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim Uniq As String
Uniq = UniqueContentSplit(0)
'If Uniq = "上下限管制異常:H " Then
' js &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: H"
'ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:HH " Then
' js &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: HH"
'ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:L " Then
' js &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: L"
'ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:LL " Then
' js &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: LL"
' 'Else
' ' js &= "&UniqueContent=" & UniqueContentSplit(0)
'End If
End If
js &= "','_blank', 'status=yes,left=350,top=200,width=1100,height=500');"
CType(e.Row.Cells(5).Controls(0), ImageButton).OnClientClick = js
js_Register = "javascript:window.showModalDialog('MntDcsAlm_BasMgt_AlmSumRegister.aspx?"
'js_Register = "javascript:window.open('MntDcsAlm_BasMgt_AlmSumRegister.aspx?"
js_Register &= "&rptid=RptDcsAlm_BasMgt_SumQuery.aspx"
js_Register &= "&start=" & Me.txtDate_OccStart.Text
js_Register &= "&end=" & Me.txtDate_OccEnd.Text
js_Register &= "&class=" & dllclass
If e.Row.Cells(2).Text = "輕故障" Then
js_Register &= "&ddlLevel=Level3"
ElseIf e.Row.Cells(2).Text = "中故障" Then
js_Register &= "&ddlLevel=Level2"
ElseIf e.Row.Cells(2).Text = "重故障" Then
js_Register &= "&ddlLevel=Level1"
js_Register &= "&ddlLevel="
End If
js_Register &= "&TagNo=" & e.Row.Cells(1).Text
js_Register &= "&RespArea=" & Me.ddlRespArea.SelectedValue.ToString
js_Register &= "&RankNo=" & e.Row.Cells(0).Text
js_Register &= "&AlarmRank=" & Me.txt_AlarmRank.Text
'js_Register &= "&UniqueContent=" & e.Row.Cells(3).Text
'Dim a As String = e.Row.Cells(3).Text.Replace("%", "%25").Replace("﹦", "%3D").Replace("#", "%23").Replace("/", "%2F").Replace(":", "%3A").Replace(",", "%2C").Replace("-", "%2D").Replace(" ", "")
Dim a As String = e.Row.Cells(3).Text.Replace("﹦", "%3D").Replace(".", "%2E").Replace("#", "%23").Replace("%", "%25").Replace(":", "%3A").Replace(",", "%2C")
js_Register &= "&Content=" & Server.UrlEncode(a)
'上下限管制異常:H , C4530 #2DE-TOL 壓力控制 PV UPPER LIMIT 警示一 PV ﹦ 339 UNIT:Torr
js_Register &= "&AlmCnt=" & e.Row.Cells(4).Text
If e.Row.Cells(3).Text <> "" Then
Dim source As String = e.Row.Cells(3).Text
Dim str As String() = New String() {","}
Dim UniqueContentSplit As String() = source.Split(str, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim Uniq As String
Uniq = UniqueContentSplit(0)
If Uniq = "上下限管制異常:H " Then
js_Register &= "&UniqueContent=" & Server.UrlEncode("上下限管制異常: H")
ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:HH " Then
js_Register &= "&UniqueContent=" & Server.UrlEncode("上下限管制異常: HH")
ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:L " Then
js_Register &= "&UniqueContent=" & Server.UrlEncode("上下限管制異常: L")
ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:LL " Then
js_Register &= "&UniqueContent=" & Server.UrlEncode("上下限管制異常: LL")
' js_Register &= UniqueContentSplit(0)
End If
End If
js_Register &= "&process=" & ProcessName
js_Register &= "','','dialogWidth=850px,dialogHeight=300px');window.close();"
Dim YorN As Boolean
YorN = Comparison(e.Row.Cells(1).Text, e.Row.Cells(3).Text)
If YorN = True Then
CType(e.Row.Cells(6).Controls(0), ImageButton).Visible = False
CType(e.Row.Cells(7).Controls(0), ImageButton).Visible = True
CType(e.Row.Cells(6).Controls(0), ImageButton).OnClientClick = js_Register
CType(e.Row.Cells(7).Controls(0), ImageButton).Visible = False
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MyBase.showAlertMsg(Utility.handlePageException(ex, MyBase.tracker))
End Try
End Sub
2014年8月13日 星期三
Dim YrMn = Left(strLSYrMn, 4) - 1911 & strLSYrMn.Substring(4, 2)
If YrMn.Length = 4 Then
YrMn = YrMn.PadLeft(YrMn.Length + 1, Char.Parse(" "))
End If
Dim YrMn = Left(strLSYrMn, 4) - 1911 & strLSYrMn.Substring(4, 2)
If YrMn.Length = 4 Then
YrMn = YrMn.PadLeft(YrMn.Length + 1, Char.Parse(" "))
End If
迴圈開control ID
For i = 2 To 17
Dim ltemp As Label
ltemp = DirectCast(FindControl("Label" & i), Label)
ltemp.Text = "0"
For i = 0 To sMTPLD.Length - 1
DirectCast(FindControl("TextBox" & i + 1), TextBox).Text = ""
DirectCast(FindControl("TextBox" & i + 17), TextBox).Text = ""
DirectCast(FindControl("DetailHyperLink" & i + 1), HyperLink).NavigateUrl = ""
Dim ltemp As Label
ltemp = DirectCast(FindControl("Label" & i), Label)
ltemp.Text = "0"
For i = 0 To sMTPLD.Length - 1
DirectCast(FindControl("TextBox" & i + 1), TextBox).Text = ""
DirectCast(FindControl("TextBox" & i + 17), TextBox).Text = ""
DirectCast(FindControl("DetailHyperLink" & i + 1), HyperLink).NavigateUrl = ""
2014年7月29日 星期二
javascript:window.showModalDialog 需配合 gvCheckRec_RowCommand 才可以實現子視窗關閉後重新綁訂GridView
Protected Sub gvCheckRec_RowCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewCommandEventArgs) Handles gvCheckRec.RowCommand
Catch ex As Exception
MyBase.showAlertMsg(Utility.handlePageException(ex, MyBase.tracker))
End Try
End Sub
Protected Sub gvCheckRec_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles gvCheckRec.RowDataBound
Dim js As String = ""
Dim js_Register As String = ""
Dim ProcessName As String = ""
Dim RespArea As String = ""
Dim dllclass As String = ""
Dim UniqueContent As String = ""
Dim button As New Button
Dim rank As Integer = 1
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.Pager Then
e.Row.Style.Add("text-align", "center")
e.Row.Style.Add("height", "40px")
e.Row.Style.Add("background-image", "")
End If
If (e.Row.RowIndex >= 0 And e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow) Then
js = "javascript:window.open('RptDcsAlm_AnaTool_Detail.aspx?"
js &= "&rptid=RptDcsAlm_BasMgt_SumQuery.aspx"
js &= "&start=" & Me.txtDate_OccStart.Text
js &= "&end=" & Me.txtDate_OccEnd.Text
js &= "&class=" & dllclass
js &= "&TagNo=" & e.Row.Cells(1).Text
js &= "&process=" & ProcessName
js &= "&RespArea=" & RespArea
'js &= "&UniqueContent=" & e.Row.Cells(3).Text
If e.Row.Cells(3).Text <> "" Then
Dim source As String = e.Row.Cells(3).Text
Dim str As String() = New String() {","}
Dim UniqueContentSplit As String() = source.Split(str, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim Uniq As String
Uniq = UniqueContentSplit(0)
If Uniq = "上下限管制異常:H " Then
js &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: H"
ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:HH " Then
js &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: HH"
ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:L " Then
js &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: L"
ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:LL " Then
js &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: LL"
End If
End If
If Me.ddlLevelType.SelectedIndex = 1 Then
js &= "&ddlLevel=Level1"
ElseIf Me.ddlLevelType.SelectedIndex = 2 Then
js &= "&ddlLevel=Level2"
ElseIf Me.ddlLevelType.SelectedIndex = 3 Then
js &= "&ddlLevel=Level3"
js &= "&ddlLevel="
End If
js &= "','_blank', 'status=yes,left=350,top=200,width=1100,height=500');"
CType(e.Row.Cells(5).Controls(0), ImageButton).OnClientClick = js
js_Register = "javascript:window.showModalDialog('MntDcsAlm_BasMgt_AlmSumRegister.aspx?"
'js_Register = "javascript:window.open('MntDcsAlm_BasMgt_AlmSumRegister.aspx?"
js_Register &= "&rptid=RptDcsAlm_BasMgt_SumQuery.aspx"
js_Register &= "&start=" & Me.txtDate_OccStart.Text
js_Register &= "&end=" & Me.txtDate_OccEnd.Text
js_Register &= "&class=" & dllclass
js_Register &= "&TagNo=" & e.Row.Cells(1).Text
js_Register &= "&process=" & ProcessName
js_Register &= "&RespArea=" & Me.ddlRespArea.SelectedValue.ToString
js_Register &= "&RankNo=" & e.Row.Cells(0).Text
js_Register &= "&AlarmRank=" & Me.txt_AlarmRank.Text
js_Register &= "&UniqueContent=" & e.Row.Cells(3).Text
js_Register &= "&AlmCnt=" & e.Row.Cells(4).Text
If e.Row.Cells(3).Text <> "" Then
Dim source As String = e.Row.Cells(3).Text
Dim str As String() = New String() {","}
Dim UniqueContentSplit As String() = source.Split(str, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim Uniq As String
Uniq = UniqueContentSplit(0)
If Uniq = "上下限管制異常:H " Then
js_Register &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: H"
ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:HH " Then
js_Register &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: HH"
ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:L " Then
js_Register &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: L"
ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:LL " Then
js_Register &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: LL"
End If
End If
If e.Row.Cells(2).Text = "輕故障" Then
js_Register &= "&ddlLevel=Level3"
ElseIf e.Row.Cells(2).Text = "中故障" Then
js_Register &= "&ddlLevel=Level2"
ElseIf e.Row.Cells(2).Text = "重故障" Then
js_Register &= "&ddlLevel=Level1"
js_Register &= "&ddlLevel="
End If
js_Register &= "','','dialogWidth=850px,dialogHeight=300px');window.close();"
Dim YorN As Boolean
If myenumber = e.Row.RowIndex Then
YorN = Comparison(dtCheckRecRank, myenumber)
myenumber += 1
If YorN = True Then
CType(e.Row.Cells(6).Controls(0), ImageButton).Visible = False
CType(e.Row.Cells(6).Controls(0), ImageButton).OnClientClick = js_Register
End If
End If
Dim u As Integer = myenumber - 10
If u = e.Row.RowIndex Then
YorN = Comparison(dtCheckRecRank, u)
myenumber += 1
If YorN = True Then
CType(e.Row.Cells(6).Controls(0), ImageButton).Visible = False
CType(e.Row.Cells(6).Controls(0), ImageButton).OnClientClick = js_Register
End If
End If
'Dim YorN As Boolean
'If myenumber <= dtCheckRecRank.Rows.Count - 1 Then
' 'If myenumber = dtCheckRec.Rows.Count - 1 Then
' ' myenumber = myenumber
' ' YorN = Comparison(dtCheckRec, myenumber)
' 'Else
' YorN = Comparison(dtCheckRecRank, myenumber)
' myenumber += 1
' 'End If
' If YorN = True Then
' CType(e.Row.Cells(6).Controls(0), ImageButton).Visible = False
' Else
' CType(e.Row.Cells(6).Controls(0), ImageButton).OnClientClick = js_Register
' End If
' myenumber = 0
' 'If myenumber = dtCheckRec.Rows.Count - 1 Then
' ' myenumber = myenumber
' ' YorN = Comparison(dtCheckRec, myenumber)
' 'Else
' YorN = Comparison(dtCheckRecRank, myenumber)
' myenumber += 1
' 'End If
' If YorN = True Then
' CType(e.Row.Cells(6).Controls(0), ImageButton).Visible = False
' Else
' CType(e.Row.Cells(6).Controls(0), ImageButton).OnClientClick = js_Register
' End If
'End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MyBase.showAlertMsg(Utility.handlePageException(ex, MyBase.tracker))
End Try
End Sub
Catch ex As Exception
MyBase.showAlertMsg(Utility.handlePageException(ex, MyBase.tracker))
End Try
End Sub
Protected Sub gvCheckRec_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles gvCheckRec.RowDataBound
Dim js As String = ""
Dim js_Register As String = ""
Dim ProcessName As String = ""
Dim RespArea As String = ""
Dim dllclass As String = ""
Dim UniqueContent As String = ""
Dim button As New Button
Dim rank As Integer = 1
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.Pager Then
e.Row.Style.Add("text-align", "center")
e.Row.Style.Add("height", "40px")
e.Row.Style.Add("background-image", "")
End If
If (e.Row.RowIndex >= 0 And e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow) Then
js = "javascript:window.open('RptDcsAlm_AnaTool_Detail.aspx?"
js &= "&rptid=RptDcsAlm_BasMgt_SumQuery.aspx"
js &= "&start=" & Me.txtDate_OccStart.Text
js &= "&end=" & Me.txtDate_OccEnd.Text
js &= "&class=" & dllclass
js &= "&TagNo=" & e.Row.Cells(1).Text
js &= "&process=" & ProcessName
js &= "&RespArea=" & RespArea
'js &= "&UniqueContent=" & e.Row.Cells(3).Text
If e.Row.Cells(3).Text <> "" Then
Dim source As String = e.Row.Cells(3).Text
Dim str As String() = New String() {","}
Dim UniqueContentSplit As String() = source.Split(str, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim Uniq As String
Uniq = UniqueContentSplit(0)
If Uniq = "上下限管制異常:H " Then
js &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: H"
ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:HH " Then
js &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: HH"
ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:L " Then
js &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: L"
ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:LL " Then
js &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: LL"
End If
End If
If Me.ddlLevelType.SelectedIndex = 1 Then
js &= "&ddlLevel=Level1"
ElseIf Me.ddlLevelType.SelectedIndex = 2 Then
js &= "&ddlLevel=Level2"
ElseIf Me.ddlLevelType.SelectedIndex = 3 Then
js &= "&ddlLevel=Level3"
js &= "&ddlLevel="
End If
js &= "','_blank', 'status=yes,left=350,top=200,width=1100,height=500');"
CType(e.Row.Cells(5).Controls(0), ImageButton).OnClientClick = js
js_Register = "javascript:window.showModalDialog('MntDcsAlm_BasMgt_AlmSumRegister.aspx?"
'js_Register = "javascript:window.open('MntDcsAlm_BasMgt_AlmSumRegister.aspx?"
js_Register &= "&rptid=RptDcsAlm_BasMgt_SumQuery.aspx"
js_Register &= "&start=" & Me.txtDate_OccStart.Text
js_Register &= "&end=" & Me.txtDate_OccEnd.Text
js_Register &= "&class=" & dllclass
js_Register &= "&TagNo=" & e.Row.Cells(1).Text
js_Register &= "&process=" & ProcessName
js_Register &= "&RespArea=" & Me.ddlRespArea.SelectedValue.ToString
js_Register &= "&RankNo=" & e.Row.Cells(0).Text
js_Register &= "&AlarmRank=" & Me.txt_AlarmRank.Text
js_Register &= "&UniqueContent=" & e.Row.Cells(3).Text
js_Register &= "&AlmCnt=" & e.Row.Cells(4).Text
If e.Row.Cells(3).Text <> "" Then
Dim source As String = e.Row.Cells(3).Text
Dim str As String() = New String() {","}
Dim UniqueContentSplit As String() = source.Split(str, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim Uniq As String
Uniq = UniqueContentSplit(0)
If Uniq = "上下限管制異常:H " Then
js_Register &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: H"
ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:HH " Then
js_Register &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: HH"
ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:L " Then
js_Register &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: L"
ElseIf Uniq = "上下限管制異常:LL " Then
js_Register &= "&UniqueContent=上下限管制異常: LL"
End If
End If
If e.Row.Cells(2).Text = "輕故障" Then
js_Register &= "&ddlLevel=Level3"
ElseIf e.Row.Cells(2).Text = "中故障" Then
js_Register &= "&ddlLevel=Level2"
ElseIf e.Row.Cells(2).Text = "重故障" Then
js_Register &= "&ddlLevel=Level1"
js_Register &= "&ddlLevel="
End If
js_Register &= "','','dialogWidth=850px,dialogHeight=300px');window.close();"
Dim YorN As Boolean
If myenumber = e.Row.RowIndex Then
YorN = Comparison(dtCheckRecRank, myenumber)
myenumber += 1
If YorN = True Then
CType(e.Row.Cells(6).Controls(0), ImageButton).Visible = False
CType(e.Row.Cells(6).Controls(0), ImageButton).OnClientClick = js_Register
End If
End If
Dim u As Integer = myenumber - 10
If u = e.Row.RowIndex Then
YorN = Comparison(dtCheckRecRank, u)
myenumber += 1
If YorN = True Then
CType(e.Row.Cells(6).Controls(0), ImageButton).Visible = False
CType(e.Row.Cells(6).Controls(0), ImageButton).OnClientClick = js_Register
End If
End If
'Dim YorN As Boolean
'If myenumber <= dtCheckRecRank.Rows.Count - 1 Then
' 'If myenumber = dtCheckRec.Rows.Count - 1 Then
' ' myenumber = myenumber
' ' YorN = Comparison(dtCheckRec, myenumber)
' 'Else
' YorN = Comparison(dtCheckRecRank, myenumber)
' myenumber += 1
' 'End If
' If YorN = True Then
' CType(e.Row.Cells(6).Controls(0), ImageButton).Visible = False
' Else
' CType(e.Row.Cells(6).Controls(0), ImageButton).OnClientClick = js_Register
' End If
' myenumber = 0
' 'If myenumber = dtCheckRec.Rows.Count - 1 Then
' ' myenumber = myenumber
' ' YorN = Comparison(dtCheckRec, myenumber)
' 'Else
' YorN = Comparison(dtCheckRecRank, myenumber)
' myenumber += 1
' 'End If
' If YorN = True Then
' CType(e.Row.Cells(6).Controls(0), ImageButton).Visible = False
' Else
' CType(e.Row.Cells(6).Controls(0), ImageButton).OnClientClick = js_Register
' End If
'End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MyBase.showAlertMsg(Utility.handlePageException(ex, MyBase.tracker))
End Try
End Sub
2014年7月23日 星期三
取出SQL 的Table名稱
Dim tablename As String = ""
Dim a As Char = " "
Dim split1 As String = DtDirectAccess.Rows(i)("SqlStatement")
split1 = split1.ToUpper
Dim split2 As String() = split1.Split(a)
For j As Integer = 0 To split2.Length - 1 Step 1
Dim Str1 As String = split2(j)
If Str1 = "FROM" Then
tablename = split2(j + 1)
End If
Dim a As Char = " "
Dim split1 As String = DtDirectAccess.Rows(i)("SqlStatement")
split1 = split1.ToUpper
Dim split2 As String() = split1.Split(a)
For j As Integer = 0 To split2.Length - 1 Step 1
Dim Str1 As String = split2(j)
If Str1 = "FROM" Then
tablename = split2(j + 1)
End If
2014年7月20日 星期日
[VB.NET] 時間轉換(上下午時間轉為24小時制)
Public Function ConvertTo24hr(ByVal time As String) As String
Dim IntAM, IntPM As Integer
Dim IntMStr, IntMStrDay, IntMStrMins, IntMStrYear, IntMStrMonth, IntMStrHours, IntMStrSec As String
IntAM = InStr(time, "上午") '不等於0為有上午字串
IntPM = InStr(time, "下午")
If time <> "" Then
If IntAM <> 0 Then
time = time.Replace("上午", "")
Dim time2 As String = time
Dim timSplit As String() = time.Split("/")
Dim timSplit2 As String() = time2.Split(" ")
IntMStrYear = timSplit(0)
IntMStrMonth = timSplit(1)
IntMStrMonth = IntMStrMonth.PadLeft(2, "0")
time = IntMStrYear + "-" + IntMStrMonth + "-" + timSplit(2)
IntMStrDay = time.Substring(7, 3)
IntMStrDay = IntMStrDay.Replace("-", "")
IntMStrDay = IntMStrDay.Replace(" ", "")
IntMStrDay = IntMStrDay.PadLeft(2, "0")
time = IntMStrYear + "-" + IntMStrMonth + "-" + IntMStrDay + " " + timSplit2(2)
Dim time3 As String() = time.Split(" ")
Dim HrMiSe As String = time3(1)
Dim HrMiSe2 As String() = HrMiSe.Split(":")
IntMStrHours = HrMiSe2(0)
IntMStrMins = HrMiSe2(1)
IntMStrSec = HrMiSe2(2)
IntMStr = Mid(time, 12, 2)
IntAM = Convert.ToInt32(IntMStr)
If IntAM = 12 Then
IntAM = IntAM - 12
IntMStr = IntAM.ToString
IntMStr = IntMStr.PadLeft(2, "0")
IntAM = 0 + IntAM
IntMStr = IntAM.ToString
IntMStr = IntMStr.PadLeft(2, "0")
End If
time = IntMStrYear + "-" + IntMStrMonth + "-" + IntMStrDay + " " + IntMStr + ":" + IntMStrMins + ":" + IntMStrSec
ElseIf IntPM <> 0 Then
time = time.Replace("下午", "")
Dim time2 As String = time
Dim timSplit As String() = time.Split("/")
Dim timSplit2 As String() = time2.Split(" ")
IntMStrYear = timSplit(0)
IntMStrMonth = timSplit(1)
IntMStrMonth = IntMStrMonth.PadLeft(2, "0")
time = IntMStrYear + "-" + IntMStrMonth + "-" + timSplit(2)
IntMStrDay = time.Substring(7, 3)
IntMStrDay = IntMStrDay.Replace("-", "")
IntMStrDay = IntMStrDay.Replace(" ", "")
IntMStrDay = IntMStrDay.PadLeft(2, "0")
time = IntMStrYear + "-" + IntMStrMonth + "-" + IntMStrDay + " " + timSplit2(2)
Dim time3 As String() = time.Split(" ")
Dim HrMiSe As String = time3(1)
Dim HrMiSe2 As String() = HrMiSe.Split(":")
IntMStrHours = HrMiSe2(0)
IntMStrMins = HrMiSe2(1)
IntMStrSec = HrMiSe2(2)
IntMStr = Mid(time, 12, 2)
IntAM = Convert.ToInt32(IntMStr)
If IntAM = 12 Then
IntAM = IntAM
IntMStr = IntAM.ToString
IntMStr = IntMStr.PadLeft(2, "0")
IntAM = 12 + IntAM
IntMStr = IntAM.ToString
IntMStr = IntMStr.PadLeft(2, "0")
End If
time = IntMStrYear + "-" + IntMStrMonth + "-" + IntMStrDay + " " + IntMStr + ":" + IntMStrMins + ":" + IntMStrSec
End If
End If
Return time
End Function
Dim IntAM, IntPM As Integer
Dim IntMStr, IntMStrDay, IntMStrMins, IntMStrYear, IntMStrMonth, IntMStrHours, IntMStrSec As String
IntAM = InStr(time, "上午") '不等於0為有上午字串
IntPM = InStr(time, "下午")
If time <> "" Then
If IntAM <> 0 Then
time = time.Replace("上午", "")
Dim time2 As String = time
Dim timSplit As String() = time.Split("/")
Dim timSplit2 As String() = time2.Split(" ")
IntMStrYear = timSplit(0)
IntMStrMonth = timSplit(1)
IntMStrMonth = IntMStrMonth.PadLeft(2, "0")
time = IntMStrYear + "-" + IntMStrMonth + "-" + timSplit(2)
IntMStrDay = time.Substring(7, 3)
IntMStrDay = IntMStrDay.Replace("-", "")
IntMStrDay = IntMStrDay.Replace(" ", "")
IntMStrDay = IntMStrDay.PadLeft(2, "0")
time = IntMStrYear + "-" + IntMStrMonth + "-" + IntMStrDay + " " + timSplit2(2)
Dim time3 As String() = time.Split(" ")
Dim HrMiSe As String = time3(1)
Dim HrMiSe2 As String() = HrMiSe.Split(":")
IntMStrHours = HrMiSe2(0)
IntMStrMins = HrMiSe2(1)
IntMStrSec = HrMiSe2(2)
IntMStr = Mid(time, 12, 2)
IntAM = Convert.ToInt32(IntMStr)
If IntAM = 12 Then
IntAM = IntAM - 12
IntMStr = IntAM.ToString
IntMStr = IntMStr.PadLeft(2, "0")
IntAM = 0 + IntAM
IntMStr = IntAM.ToString
IntMStr = IntMStr.PadLeft(2, "0")
End If
time = IntMStrYear + "-" + IntMStrMonth + "-" + IntMStrDay + " " + IntMStr + ":" + IntMStrMins + ":" + IntMStrSec
ElseIf IntPM <> 0 Then
time = time.Replace("下午", "")
Dim time2 As String = time
Dim timSplit As String() = time.Split("/")
Dim timSplit2 As String() = time2.Split(" ")
IntMStrYear = timSplit(0)
IntMStrMonth = timSplit(1)
IntMStrMonth = IntMStrMonth.PadLeft(2, "0")
time = IntMStrYear + "-" + IntMStrMonth + "-" + timSplit(2)
IntMStrDay = time.Substring(7, 3)
IntMStrDay = IntMStrDay.Replace("-", "")
IntMStrDay = IntMStrDay.Replace(" ", "")
IntMStrDay = IntMStrDay.PadLeft(2, "0")
time = IntMStrYear + "-" + IntMStrMonth + "-" + IntMStrDay + " " + timSplit2(2)
Dim time3 As String() = time.Split(" ")
Dim HrMiSe As String = time3(1)
Dim HrMiSe2 As String() = HrMiSe.Split(":")
IntMStrHours = HrMiSe2(0)
IntMStrMins = HrMiSe2(1)
IntMStrSec = HrMiSe2(2)
IntMStr = Mid(time, 12, 2)
IntAM = Convert.ToInt32(IntMStr)
If IntAM = 12 Then
IntAM = IntAM
IntMStr = IntAM.ToString
IntMStr = IntMStr.PadLeft(2, "0")
IntAM = 12 + IntAM
IntMStr = IntAM.ToString
IntMStr = IntMStr.PadLeft(2, "0")
End If
time = IntMStrYear + "-" + IntMStrMonth + "-" + IntMStrDay + " " + IntMStr + ":" + IntMStrMins + ":" + IntMStrSec
End If
End If
Return time
End Function
2014年5月27日 星期二
2014年5月20日 星期二
GridView 開起排序功能 表頭會有底線
GridView 開起排序功能 表頭會有底線
<asp:BoundField DataField="USER_DEPT" SortExpression="USER_DEPT" HeaderText="所屬部門">
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" CssClass="LeftRightBorderCss"></ItemStyle>
<HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" Font-Bold="False"></HeaderStyle>
如要取消底線 只需把 SortExpression="USER_DEPT" 拿掉,但會失去排序功能。
<asp:BoundField DataField="USER_DEPT" SortExpression="USER_DEPT" HeaderText="所屬部門">
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" CssClass="LeftRightBorderCss"></ItemStyle>
<HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" Font-Bold="False"></HeaderStyle>
如要取消底線 只需把 SortExpression="USER_DEPT" 拿掉,但會失去排序功能。
2014年5月15日 星期四
文章 (Atom)